Thursday, July 5, 2007

Beautiful Denmark

When I was in high school I became good friends with a few foreign exchange students from Scandinavia. One was from Finland and two were from Sweden. In fact, I went to my senior prom with one of the Swedish students, Andreas. They all went home that summer after we graduated. Andreas used to send us wonderful letters detailing his daily life in Sweden. It sounded so fun! It was full of days spent sailing and enjoying the wonderful open air of his hometown. My girlfriend and I were insanely jealous of his life. If I had known just how beautiful this area really was, I'm sure that my jealousy would have completely consumed me.

Denmark is composed of a mainland and larger islands, and many smaller islands. Copenhagen rests on one of the larger islands further to the east, facing Sweden. So we are living on an island. Our house is about a 10 minute walk to the beach. We can see Sweden across the bay. I wave to my Scandinavian friends whenever I go out and about. The views are spectacular. I never would have guessed that this county was so beautiful. So far, the people here have been very friendly and welcoming.
Here are some pictures of the outside of our house:

We LOVE our house. It's really nice to have space and a yard again. I didn't realize how crowded we were in our Dutch house until we came here. We try to make it outside on most days. Although it has rained just about every day since we arrived. In fact it hasn't stopped raining all day today. I bit of a bummer.

There is a stone wall off to the left in the back yard. Dylan quickly figured out that frogs live in these stones. He loves to go outside to hunt for them. Poor frogs will never be the same again. Eric and I joke that they have Dylan's picture posted in the rocks, warning the others to beware of the little boy with fast hands.

I have become a farmer here in Denmark. There is a garden area off the the right of the back yard. Last week I planted basil, thyme, chives, lettuce, 2 kinds of beans and asparagus. It's a little late in the season so we'll see what comes up. I've never planted anything before. It was kind of fun. Dylan even helped me.

On a final note, Denmark is a country that is known for its pastries and ice cream. Both are SO delicious. It's good that I'll be riding my bike a lot here. I think I'll need to here. We've made it a Sunday morning ritual to have pastries for breakfast. Yummy!!