Thursday, October 18, 2007

Carving Pumpkins

In preparation for Halloween, we decided to carve some pumpkins the other day. The kids were pretty creative this year.

Dylan started out wanting a cyclopes pumpkin, but then changed his mind after I cut out the eye. His pumpkin looks a little deranged. He said he thinks it looks scary, a look he was going for.

Elizabeth is wearing new princess costume and shoes:

It was Dylan's idea to take a family picture. We gave it a "shot".

It almost worked. Unfortunately, the girls were really tired and not in the mood for pictures anymore.


We took the kids to Legoland over the weekend. It's a Danish amusement park with a lego theme. We stayed one night in a pirate room at the Legoland hotel. Fun! We had a blast. The park is on the small side and perfect for young kids. We ate junk food, went on a few rides and saw lots of interesting lego sculptures. We had a blast.

Eaten by a shark...

Here's Dylan with Tom and Jerry. He's getting to be such a smartie pants. He knows that there are people under those costumes. After he posed with them he turned to me and said, "Wouldn't it be a nice surprise if that were grandma and grandpa under those costumes". So sweet. How long will it be before he realizes there's no Santa?? Elizabeth is not so knowledgeable yet. She wouldn't pose with them. She was too scared.

Here's a picture of the kids taken from our pirate room

Friday, October 12, 2007

Dylan's self portrait

The teachers had the kids paint a self portrait in school the other day. Dylan painted this all by himself:

I think it kind of resembles him. Don't you??

Friday, October 5, 2007

Some cute pics of Tricia

I was testing out our new camera the other day. Tricia was my subject. I was able to snap some really cute pictures of her playing under the desk.


I tried to get some pics of the girls with their sun glasses on. Tricia wasn't in the mood to cooperate. I snapped some cute pictures nonetheless.
I finally just gave up at trying to get a picture of both girls wearing the glasses

Not sharing

Elizabeth does not like to share her toys with her sister. She puts her toys on the couch so that Patricia can't reach them. She'll be in trouble once Tricia can get up there.

Tricia doesn't know any better yet. She's still just happy as a clam.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Getting Ready for Halloween

Eric was in the US last week and brought back some Halloween costumes and treats. He also brought back a new digital camera. We're officially back in the picture taking business.
Spider man

Spider woman

Enjoying some lolly pops