Monday, February 18, 2008


We bought the kids some new dress up clothes the other day. Dylan is quick as lightening, Dash from the incredibles. He loves running around the house to show us how fast he can run. (And he really is very fast). Elizabeth is Tinkerbell. She loves fluttering around the house with her little wings on.

Dora Jammies

Elizabeth is obsessed with her Dora jammies. If we let her, she'd wear them 24/7. As it is, as soon as we come home, she runs to her room to put them on. Needless to say, sneaking these pjs away from her to clean them was a covert operation worthy of a top CIA agent. I was finally successful at getting them away from her for a good washing. She couldn't wait for them to be clean.

Here's a picture of her waiting by the dryer while her Dora pjs dry. You can also see Dylan in the background, lending his moral support.

Dylan offered a little bit of comic relief while we waited.

Finally, freshly laundered pjs:

Ahh, back to normal...

Monday, January 28, 2008

My Little Girl Turns 1!!

I can't believe it's been a year since I had Patricia. It's been a busy year, full of moves and new adjustments. It makes it difficult to sit back and take notice of the little changes that happen in a person so young. Nonetheless we are amazed at the things that she can accomplish already. She's not quite walking but can stand all by herself. She also hasn't met a set of stairs that she doesn't like. She feeds herself, sometimes even uses a spoon. Although those are the messiest feedings. She LOVES to scream. We thought that Elizabeth was a screamer. She's a whisperer compared to her sister. Not only is her scream loud, but it's also a shrill. Eric and I are scared of what's to come.

All kidding aside, she's a total love. Eric and I feel blessed to have another child who is so lovely is so many ways. She brings a great deal of joy and satisfaction to our lives.

We celebrated her birthday twice. Once with my parents, when they were visiting for Christmas.

And another a few days after her actual birthday. The second time around, Dylan and Elizabeth helped me bake the cup cakes. They were so proud to bake for their sister.