Monday, January 28, 2008

My Little Girl Turns 1!!

I can't believe it's been a year since I had Patricia. It's been a busy year, full of moves and new adjustments. It makes it difficult to sit back and take notice of the little changes that happen in a person so young. Nonetheless we are amazed at the things that she can accomplish already. She's not quite walking but can stand all by herself. She also hasn't met a set of stairs that she doesn't like. She feeds herself, sometimes even uses a spoon. Although those are the messiest feedings. She LOVES to scream. We thought that Elizabeth was a screamer. She's a whisperer compared to her sister. Not only is her scream loud, but it's also a shrill. Eric and I are scared of what's to come.

All kidding aside, she's a total love. Eric and I feel blessed to have another child who is so lovely is so many ways. She brings a great deal of joy and satisfaction to our lives.

We celebrated her birthday twice. Once with my parents, when they were visiting for Christmas.

And another a few days after her actual birthday. The second time around, Dylan and Elizabeth helped me bake the cup cakes. They were so proud to bake for their sister.