Friday, September 28, 2007

Smelling Ice cream

I think I've mentioned that the ice cream here is really yummy. I'm not sure what the Danes do to make it taste so good but we sure do enjoy it. I took the kids out for some ice cream today after dinner. I got Dylan and Elizabeth strawberry ice cream and a cookies and cream concoction for myself. When I asked Dylan if I could try a scoop of his ice cream, he told me no but I could smell it if I'd like! So there you go. My son was only generous enough to give me a smell. He was not about to give up an once of this little treat. Luckily Elizabeth didn't finish her bowl so I was able to try a scoop (or two or three) of hers.

On another ice cream note, when I was on my way to the international school the other day I passed by a stand that sells soft ice cream. There were a bunch of kids standing outside of it eating ice cream cones. One kid had the biggest ice cream cone I have ever seen. He must have had at least 3 cups of ice cream oozing over his waffle cone. He looked like he was loving every minute of it.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Catching up

It's been a long time since I've entered a blog entry. Life has been quite busy with three little ones. Between taking care of the kids, cooking and cleaning, my days go by so quickly. Additionally, the girls and I find ourselves busy doing things through the international school while Dylan is in school during the day. We do plenty of play dates and shopping sprees and just plain hanging out. I love getting this quality time in with the girls. Elizabeth is so easy going and independent. She's turning into a little lady right before my eyes.

She loves playing with her purses and reading books. In fact, she carries a rather large pile of books around the house with her during the day. I swear, the books weigh as much as she does. Patricia is really doing a lot lately as well. She says mama and dada. She is a very fast crawler and just today started kneeling on her own. I think that she'll probably start the cruising thing very soon. I can already see that she wants to do the same things that the other two do. She doesn't really let me feed her right now. She grabs the spoon out of my hand when I try to feed her. If I give her her own spoon, she just drops the one she has, grabs the spoon from my hand and shoves it in her own mouth. Little miss independence.

Denmark is treating us well so far. The weather hasn't been that bad. Dylan has a 1 week break next month. We are mulling around the idea of taking the kids to either Legoland or to an indoor water amusement park in the southern part of the country. Both options sound so fun that we're having a difficult time deciding.

Unfortunately our camera has died once again. I don't have any pics to post. Eric's in the states right now. Hopefully he'll be able to get a camera that's a bit more reliable.

It's late and time to go. Hopefully I'll have more time to update this site in the weeks to come.