Friday, September 28, 2007

Smelling Ice cream

I think I've mentioned that the ice cream here is really yummy. I'm not sure what the Danes do to make it taste so good but we sure do enjoy it. I took the kids out for some ice cream today after dinner. I got Dylan and Elizabeth strawberry ice cream and a cookies and cream concoction for myself. When I asked Dylan if I could try a scoop of his ice cream, he told me no but I could smell it if I'd like! So there you go. My son was only generous enough to give me a smell. He was not about to give up an once of this little treat. Luckily Elizabeth didn't finish her bowl so I was able to try a scoop (or two or three) of hers.

On another ice cream note, when I was on my way to the international school the other day I passed by a stand that sells soft ice cream. There were a bunch of kids standing outside of it eating ice cream cones. One kid had the biggest ice cream cone I have ever seen. He must have had at least 3 cups of ice cream oozing over his waffle cone. He looked like he was loving every minute of it.

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