Friday, December 21, 2007

Lubeck, Germany

Last weekend, we packed up the kids and took them to Lubeck, Germany for a Christmas market. We had a great time. Lubeck is a beautiful medieval city in the northern part of the country. They have one of the best Christmas markets in Germany. We spent our time shopping for Christmas decorations, eating yummy sausages and sweet treats. Of course, when you're travelling with three kids, you can't do that much sight seeing. So we also spent much of our time going to parks and taking advantage of the amusement rides at the market.

The medieval gate at the Lubeck entrance:

Enjoying some tubby time at the hotel.

The kids do like to travel. Dylan informed us that he likes staying in hotels. Elizabeth kept saying that she missed the hotel after we had left. I wonder if they'll be bored with their life when we finally move back to the states...

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