Monday, April 23, 2007


I'll start off my first blog with Easter. We had a wonderful Easter holiday here. The Dutch get Good Friday and Easter Monday off. So we had a nice four day weekend to enjoy the holiday. It was made even better by the fact that we were experiencing a warm weather stretch. It was sunny and 80 every day.

On Friday, Eric colored Easter eggs with the kids while I spent a blissful couple of hours at the gym.

Then, on Easter Sunday, we started off the day looking for "Easter baskets". I didn't find Easter baskets here so we (Eric) crafted our own.

After our Easter egg hunt was over, we headed out to church. We went to an English speaking service at a church in the Hague. It was a lovely church. There were so many different cultures there. They even had an African "band" playing traditional African music during the service. The music was so beautiful. They had the entire congregation clapping and swaying to the beat. Afterwards, we went out to brunch with another expat family. We ventured out to a little beach town, called Noordwijk, a really lovely town just North of the Hague.

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