Monday, April 23, 2007

Elizabeth's Birthday

We were lucky enough to celebrate Elizabeth's second birthday with a few members of my family. My brothers, aunt and grandmother were all in town visiting that week. We had a wonderful time. It was so nice to have family around to help us celebrate such a special occasion.

We spent the day sight seeing in Amsterdam. Eric took the day off to watch Dylan and Elizabeth. I took Patricia and my brothers and I met my grandmother and aunt in the city. We went to the Rijksmuseum. It's the museum that houses Rembrandts paintings. It also held quite a few paintings from Holland's colonial days. It was interesting to read about their colonial and merchant history. I felt a little wiser about my host country once we left.

Afterwards we headed out to lunch. We went to Wok to Walk. It's a fast food asian restaurant that serves a variety of stir fry options. The meal was really tasty for being fast food.

We then headed back to my house to visit with the kids and get ready for dinner. Once again the weather was gorgeous. We hung out around the house until dinner time. After dinner we sang happy birthday to the birthday girl. She was so excited to blow out candles. It was very cute. I can't believe my little one is already 2. Time has flown by.

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