Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Dylan turns 4

It's hard to believe that my sweet little boy was born 4 short years ago. Time has really flown. We've had so many changes in the last four years. When Dylan was born we were living in our condo in South Boston. When he was 8 months old we sold the condo and made the big move out to the burbs. We were/are so proud to own that house. We were lucky enough to land a nice house on a quiet street in a great neighborhood. We thought that we'd spend at least 20 years in that house. Then, just over a year later, we moved to Amsterdam and now we're in Copenhagen. Thinking about this amount of transition makes my head spin. I'm sure it does a number on the kids as well.

Of course I'm probably being a bit overly dramatic since the kids are doing great and we had a wonderful time celebrating Dylan's birthday the other day. We started out by celebrating at school first. I made some cookies and we brought them into school so that Dylan could share a birthday treat with his classmates.

It was very sweet. They all sang happy birthday to him. Then everyone drew a picture and the teacher posted them all into Dylan's birthday book.

Later that day, we shared a special birthday dinner of fish sticks, roasted potatoes and salad (all requested by Dylan). Afterwards we enjoyed some delicious birthday cake.

Of course, Dylan was very excited to receive presents. The girls got him a new football. Eric and I bought him a remote control car, a new transformer and some clothes for school. He was very excited about the car. Although it is already broken. It lasted 24 hours. I guess we should have headed the warning on the box and waited until he turned 5 to give it to him. Lesson learned!!

I'm so excited to watch my little guy grow up. He is a bright, energetic, caring little boy who loves to catch frogs and play with Legos. He is maturing in ways that amaze me each day. I'm proud to have him as my son!

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