Thursday, August 16, 2007

First day of school

Yesterday was Dylan's first day of preschool at the international school. He did really well. He just walked into class and started playing. He was nervous about going so I was really happy that he liked it so much. His teacher's name is Mrs. Anderson. She's very friendly and sweet. She told me that Dylan even comforted some of the kids who were upset to be left by their moms. My brave little guy...
Here's a picture of us parking the car and walking to the school
He went right to the sand box, and so did Elizabeth.

The kids are all required to take their shoes off before they come into the classroom. The teachers want to give the class a homey feel. Today, as I was getting Dylan settled, I noticed that Elizabeth also took off her shoes and left them in Dylan's locker. When I looked in the classroom she was there playing along with the other kids. So funny. Seems like she's anxious to start preschool herself.

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