Tuesday, May 1, 2007


We have had very warm weather this spring. Therefore the tulips arrived a bit early this year. Last year, when we went to the Keukenhof, we went at the end of April. It was so cold that we had to wear hats and gloves. This year, it was sunny and 80. We wore shorts and needed sun screen. Big difference!

The tulips really were amazing. The Keukenhof is their flower exhibition center. The grounds are 9 square kilometers and they are covered with the most beautiful flower displays I've ever seen. To smell it is amazing as well.

We packed a picnic lunch and headed out there a few weeks ago. We walked around the grounds for a while and then let the kids play in the play ground.

Some scenes from the gardens

Actually, I tried to load more pictures, but the blogger is not letting me. Perhaps I'll try again later...

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