Tuesday, May 22, 2007

15 years and counting

Eric and I both turned 35 this week. I didn't think much about this milestone until it hit me that we'll be 50 in just 15 short years! Especially when you consider the fact that Eric and I have been together for 13 years and that time has absolutely flown by.

It also occurred to me that in 15 years, the kids will be 18 (going on 19), 17 and 15. We'll have three teenagers. Yikes and I thought that three toddlers were a handful.
Eric's birthday is today. Unfortunately, he's travelling in Germany this week and was unable to celebrate with us. Happy birthday, my dear. We missed you today. Here's a little greeting card from your little ones.

If Dylan's cheeks look a little rosier than usual, it's because he's contracted fifths disease. It's similar to chicken pox in that you get this nasty rash all over your body in addition to really rosy cheeks. It almost looks as though someone slapped him on the face. In fact, they also call it the slapped face disease. Luckily he's not uncomfortable.

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