Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Our new wheels

We were going to use our car allowance to buy a car in Denmark. Since we'll be neighbors with Sweden, we started looking at Volvo's, xc90 (a very fine riding machine). Then we found out that Danish the car tax is 180% of the value of the car!!! Yikes. They do offer a reduced expat tax, which is 25% + monthly taxes throughout the duration of your stay. Needless to say, we decided we needed to rethink our wheels. So, we went out and bought a box bike. They are very popular here in Europe. I see people all over Holland driving their kids around in these things. I couldn't picture anyone having one in the states.

Here's a picture of our new wheels

This is what I'm going to use to take Dylan to school, which is 3.5 miles from our house one way! This is a good thing since I plan on indulging myself with Danish pastries and ice cream when we move up there. Can't wait.
Some cute pics of the kids:

Elizabeth enjoying a cup cake on Queens day:

The ever loving brother with his new sister:

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